Xinyue Liu's Blog

GO Concurrent Programming Practice — Raft

Raft Introduction Raft is a distributed consensus algorithm designed to be easily understood. It solves the problem of getting multiple servers to agree on a shared state even in face of failures....

Academic Writing III — Revising

Revising Your Draft Some new researchers think that once they have a draft, they’re pratically done. Experienced researchers know better. They write that first draft not for their readers but for ...

Academic Writing II — Error-prone Style Details

This article documents some error-prone style details where non-native English speakers tend to make mistakes when writing academic papers. Spelling Plurals The word data is plural, not singular...

Academic Writing I — Thinking about the Research

What is Research? Simply put, research is answering a question by obtaining information. But in reality, research needs not only to solve the problem you want to solve, but also to consider whethe...

The Difference in Common Usage between JavaScript and Python

Number Calculation Retain Decimals let a = 1.2345; a.toFixed(3) //1.234 a = 1.2345; round(a,3); # 1.234 String Length str.length len(str) Concatenate let a = 1; let str = `a: ...

Selenium Source Code Analysis

W3C webdriver protocol The “4.0” version of Selenium has recently been released. However, it is still an Alpha version. This means it is not stable enough in its development phase, hence its relea...

从源码理解 Selenium

Web测试原理——第一站: Selenium 前言:Selenium 作为 Web 自动化测试中的老大哥,一直以来都有着不可撼动的地位。同时,其作为一个代码清晰,文档完善的开源软件,也值得我们仔细学习其源代码,理解它的工作原理,也提高我们自身的编程水平。 Web 自动测试的经典——Selenium Selenium 是一个用于 Web 应用程序测试的工具。Selenium 测试直...

VScode 常用快捷键

多行操作 Shift + 鼠标中键 重命名变量 Put text cursor on the variable Press F2 Formating Shift + Alt + F 代码折叠 折叠所有:Ctrl + K Ctrl + 0 展开所有:Ctrl + K Ctrl + J 编辑快捷方式 Ctrl + K Ctrl + S 打开设置 Ctrl + ,

Deepin 开发环境配置

Deepin 内置的深度商店非常好用,一些常用的软件都可以直接在商店里下载。包括 TIM,Visual Studio Code,网易云音乐,搜狗拼音,Chrome,WPS,百度网盘等。工欲善其事,必先利其器。在配置环境之前,我们先得给电脑装上一个功能强大的编辑器,才方便之后的操作。VS code(Visual Studio Code)是当今最流行的免费代码编辑器。以下是在 Deepin 上配...

Linux 设置双屏幕

前段时间因工作需要,买了一个显示器,准备外接到我的笔记本电脑上作双屏幕。KuaKuaKua 线装完之后,显示器提示没信号,笔记本也检测不到显示器连接的信息。这可坏了!在网上尝试了各种方法都无果,我都一度以为是新买的显示器有问题,不过最后还是在朋友鸡哥的帮助下厘清了困难,解决了难题。 使用 Deepin 系统设置双屏幕确实颇费周折,不像 Windows 线一插上就万事大吉了。而且遇到问题也需...