Home Denotational Semantics of Typed Lambda Calculus V — CPO Model for Imperative Programs

Denotational Semantics of Typed Lambda Calculus V — CPO Model for Imperative Programs

As the last article of this series, today we will discuss the denotational semantics for imperative programs. Specifically, we will check out how to apply CPO model on the $\text{while}$ programs introduced in Easy Foundations for Programming Languages X — Imperative Programs.

Typed Lambda Calculus with Stores

We will give a denotational semantics for $\text{while}$ programs using a typed lambda calculus with locations and stores, which we interpret over CPOs.

The lambda calculus we use, which resembles PCF with locations and stores added, will be refered to as $\lambda^{store,fix,\to}$. This calculus has type constants $val$, $bool$, $loc$, $store$, and $store_{\perp}$, with the first four interpreted as in the algebra $\mathcal{A}$. The difference between $store$ and $store_{\perp}$ is that the latter will have an added least element, $\perp_{store}$.

In addition to function symbols from the signature $\Sigma$, giving functions on $val$ and $bool$, the calculus $\lambda^{store,fix,\to}$ has an equality test

\[\phantom{\stackrel{\text{def}}{=}}Eq?:loc \to loc \to bool\]

on locations, store operations $init$, $update$ and $lookup$, a conditional $\text{if } … \text{ then } … \text{ else }…$ of each type. as in PCF, lifting operations (described below), lambda abstraction, application, and a fixed-point operator $fix_{store}$ of type

\[fix_{store}:((store \to store_\perp) \to (store \to store_\perp)) \to (store \to store_\perp).\]

This will be used to define functions from $store$ to $store_\perp$ recursively.

The CPO model, $\mathcal{A}_\lambda$, for $\lambda^{store,fix,\to}$ will be an extension of the four-sorted algebra, $\mathcal{A}$, that was constructed by extending $\mathcal{A}_0$ with locations and stores.

Since any set may be regarded as a discrete CPO, we may continue to interpret $val$, $bool$, $loc$ and $store$ as in $\mathcal{A}$.

We interpret $store_\perp$ as the lifted set \(A^{store_\perp}=(A^{store})_\perp\), and extend to function types by letting $A^{\sigma \to \tau}$ be all continuous functions from $A^\sigma$ to $A^\tau$, ordered point-wise. Since $A^{store_\perp}$ is pointed $A^{store \to store_\perp}$ is also pointed. By Theorem 1 in Denotational Semantics of Typed Lambda Calculus III — Full Continuous Hierarchy, this continuous hierarchy has a least fixed-point operator of the required type.

The operations associated with $store_\perp$ are a map from $store$ to $store_\perp$, which we write \(\lfloor \: \cdot \:\rfloor\). If $M:store$, then \(\lfloor M \rfloor:store_\perp\) denotes the same store as $M$, but regarded as an element of the lifted set of stores, $A^{store}_\perp$.

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Denotational Semantics of Typed Lambda Calculus IV — CPO Model for PCF
